Friday, June 26, 2015 the Canyon and seriously stupid in Sedona..

Up and off early. I wanted to get through the desert before it heated up.  We made really good time on Dolly but ran into three road construction crews that added three different wait times of over 30 minutes the the sun at 106'.

We stopped at Cameron Trading Post for lunch...a grateful meal..and then headed out to what would become another bad idea in the history of bad ideas...file this in the Cosmos.

I surprised Lizzy while we were eating at Cameron's that we would side trip to Sedona before going to Camp Verde for the night and see Jurassic World! Needless to say she was ecstatic. Piece of cake getting to Sedona. .right....

More road work..exits that are closed.. detours. Long waits in heat. My body is starting to feel stressed and all of a sudden we are on the road leading into Sedona and it is winding with hair pin curves and non existent guard rails.  My back hurts and my arms ache when we finally get off the mountain.  No. .I did not look at the red cliffs. .I was to busy trying not to fall of one of those red cliffs and fly off into the abyss.

I told Lizzy I couldn't  make it to Camp Verde and we would stay in Sedona.  No vacancy signs everywhere except for 1 room at the Star Motel.  The manager was so helpful. .gave me a glass of lemon water..had me sit down and helped carry our stuff off Dolly.

After cancelling the Camp Verde hotel..a rest and a shower, we got directions for the movie theater. Enter the bad idea for the Cosmos.  Well..diverting to Sedona was one, too.  I forgot to ask which way out of motel ..left or right. I went Right which was wrong.

Say WHAT???

We went for a long way until I felt it was all wrong and stopped for we go. It was then that I realized how spread out Sedona is..we found the our tickets and went into auditorium #2..the movie was almost over...WHAT? I was informed we were an hour early. ..somewhere we had gone through a time zone change. After waiting  almost an hour in the lobby..the  movie started and Lizzy and I were wowed all over again. It's now 7:01 pm and we head out for the motel and I go the wrong way on the road....totally turned around..I don't know where we are. I turn around and go the other way but that doesn't feel right either. Seriously tired and very disoriented (it's the Aliens)..I feel a good cry coming  on when I see a Police sign and pull into the wrong driveway...that gets fixed..the Police helped..but here is the kicker...I couldn't tell them the name of the motel..because I didn't know it. The room key didn't give the name and all my check in paper work was in our room. Idiot check. The Officer got me to the  tourist trap area and that was good enough..Lizzy spotted it and we were back..with absolutely little help from me. After walking a block and having a good Dinner..we crashed...directions only get worse in the morning....

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