Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre Ride Post #8

My Butterflies feel more like Bats!

I have failed miserably in getting my butterflies to fly in formation. Maybe I'm clicking my dog clicker at the wrong time...maybe it's the treats I'm feeding the litter flutterers...I dunno. All I know is last night while trying to sleep it hit me like a wall at a 26 mile marathon...I'm going off with my granddaughter for 10 days on a motorcycle ... alone. The outcome of hitting that wall was a sleepless night.

The short list in my head keeps running around and around...have I done everything possible to be safe with my precious cargo...AKA..Elizabeth?  Have I gotten all the electronic gadgets synced and tested?  Chargers..including portable energy chargers? Maps? Money? Itinerary-hotels and confirmations? Is everything on paper as well as in my phone (so anal...)?

Our lives for the 10 day journey have been securely packed into 2 gallon Zip Lock bags and placed into bookbags with handles for easy porting into hotels.  Tools and roadside "stuff" have been packed into one of the side containers on the Spyder. Our personal toiletries are packed except for the early morning things we will use and then pack. Are we ready?

The answer is:  YES!

Lizzy and I are ready.

So...the count as of today is ONE DAY AND A WAKE-UP.

My Bats and Butterflies are flying like well-ordered Geese.  Confidence is high.

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