Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ride day 1 Odessa to Roswell NM

We got a later than planned start because I charged every gadget except our communication devices. So ....we hung around for about an hour relaxing in the house while they charged.

The skies were blue..humidity high as was the temperature..but we loaded us on and pulled out of Odessa at 11:30 heading for Roswell.

 Loaded and ready to roll out of Odessa.

Lizzy catching a "cool" 103' breeze in Tatum, NM...hydration stop!

We arrived in Roswell at'   the last 45 miles into Roswell
On a road with a whole  lot of nothing to see..kicked my butt in the heat. We hydrated..but in this almost wasn't enough. By the time we got to our hotel for night #1...I was seriously overheated and dizzy. Not good. Lizzy did better sitting as passenger...but tomorrow morning we leave on time.

After a swim in the indoor pool..a shower..and dinner..we are good to go tomorrow into Albuquerque.

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