Friday, June 12, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Ride Post #7

It is June 12, 2015, and only 5 days and a wake up until Lizzy and I head off for our grand adventure.
I'm finally starting to get the butterflies and I'm not quite sure if it is excitement or sheer terror of the undertaking. So, I am trying to still the voices in my head.  Today, it isn't easy to do.

I keep looking at my itinerary and wondering if anything needs to be changed.  It's one thing to look at a Google map and see city to city mileage in inches, but another thing when it is reality and 100+ degrees and miles of roads stretching in front of my windshield. Maybe it's becuase I celebrated my 70th birthday this past Wednesday that I find butterflies running around in my stomach.

Precious cargo will be sitting behind me. At 13 she has her entire life in front of her. She will have many milestones to mark off on her calendar and many roads to travel before she settles into the woman she is to become. Her roads are hers to travel and only she can take the one that ultimately defines who she is. But right now, at 13, all she can think about (well, besides music, girls camp and eating, is this up-coming milestone (of sorts) a trip on the back of her grandmother's Spyder.

The faith and the trust that she has in me is amazing.  I best not screw it up!  Maybe that's why I have butterflies in my stomach.  But, WAIT!  Maybe the butterflies are a good thing. I think they are.

I always get butterflies; don't you?  I think they are a great way of telling me that something's coming...something big...something important is about to happen. So, I'm embracing the butterflies, staying calm knowing that the trip is planned and all  I need to do is remember this:

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