Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bonding with Dolly

Mule riding day was great..except for the part where w ewe really so close to the rim that I cried. They didn'tel me about THAT part.'s how this works with me..I cry a lot; especially over gushy family and animal commercials on TV. I also cry when my nerves are raw and I'm in a creepy..scary situation.

Lizzy and I got to the North Rim with Buffalo incident and we're picked up precisely on time to go the mule spot. After a safety briefing, the Wrangler told us he would pick our mounts and out us in order of which mules got along. OK..I get that. My Mule name was Dolly..a sure footed intelligent Mule, indeed. Lizzy rode Hazel.

As we left the paddock with two in front and one in back, we were told our pictures would betaken...OK...WELL THE MOST SCENIC BACKGROUND. IS...NO..NO BACKGROUND. just the sheer cliffs..right next to my Mules feer. Holy up to highBatman...AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE FOR MY NERVOUS BLADDER, WEARE GOING UP A HILL WHEN EACH ONE OF US IS TO TO STOP FOR PICTURE...STOP??? Just get me the heck way from the edge and off the stupid hill. I was not happy. Lizzy asked me why I was scared..with a teenage smerk..I promptly told her to shut up.

There were three more moments of sheer terror..including going down the same hill where AGAIN THE WRANGLER STOPPED US ALONA SIDE THE RIM AND GAVE US I STRUCTURES OF WHT TO DO AT CORRAL. REALLY????? Get me off the hill!!!!!

When we wound through the forest raiks...I really enjoyed the rI bonded with Dollyand was happy I was on an experienced Mule. It was actually fun Watchung her think through the trail and pick her steps. I liked Dolly.

Lizzy ride Hazel who was a bit lazy until we turned for home, All in all Mule riding day was a big success and garnered me more Cool Grandma remarks.

In honor of Dolly, I renamed my Spyder, Dolly. photos..the interface be teen phone and tablet is not working. Once I figure it out..I will edit posts and insrt.

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