Friday, May 29, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Ride Post #6

17 days and a wake up and Lizzy and I will be heading out. It's hard to believe we are so close.

What's left to do:
  • Take a ride and test our music and in-coming phone calls to see what they do to communication between us.
  • Get the GoPro Camera up and running and figure out where to mount on Lizzy's helmet
  • Buy the audio pack for the camera so we can record what we see.
What else.....oh yeah... 
  1. Make sure we have all of our electronic's chargers and that they work...sometimes they die a fast death.
  2. Input into my tablet daily itinerary with hotel reservations#'s and make sure it syncs to phone
  3. Make paper backup copy just in case #2 crashes
Knowing me, when the big list, which includes the above is completed, I will have a short list...last minute things...but right now, I haven't the foggiest what that short list will look like.

Mule ride into Canyon has been reserved!

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