Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Trip Planning Post #5

Let the countdown begin...

28 days and a wake up. The time will fly, of that, I am certain.  What I find myself wondering is...what am I forgetting? I review my lists and think that all is well in list-land..but the reality of
list-land is...who REALLY knows?

I did go off the list and purchased a new black denim's got a gun pocket! Phew!  Now I feel safe...a little sarcasm ...

Lizzy told me last night that she was counting the days was out and our trip.  I wasn't sure which one was more important to her but I think right now, I would lose to school getting out.

I feel like I need to get the Spyder out a few more times.....I can't remember how to release the parking brake!  Jeesh..................

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