Monday, May 4, 2015

onward goes my doll head quest....

Poking around in antique or junk stores is a perfect way to spend a lazy, Saturday. After all, it is the hunt that gets me up early to stand in line to get into a flea market sale or tromp through a dusty store. Sometimes, I do not have a project in mind...waiting to be inspired by the find. Sometimes, I go in search of something abandoned dolls.

 Dolls have to have a certain "look" about them. They can't be overly bright in their painted faces. They must be more serene looking without bright red lips. They don't have to have hair..cuz I'm gonna rip it off anyway. The clothing absolutely doesn't matter because I'm going to take it off, throw it away and let the dolls canvas body clothe her.

This past year, I've added a couple of dolls to my collection that when I saw them just jumped out at me and me. Gently carrying them home, upon seeing them, my husband shakes his head. Trust me, I say....

 The wiggly eyes got me right away!
So...I cut her into pieces....the little doll in the dress has a dreamy expression...she will be immortalized....

I couldn't resist this odd doll head. I stuck her in an old spring with  Spanish moss.

The doll on the left had a blonde wig and a wedding dress.....she really is stunning and is made of porcelain.

What did I do with the doll head in the picture above????

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