Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Trip Plannng Post #4

Just an Itty Bitty Change....

Sometimes I have to take a step back from dream-land and take a walk in reality. This is one of those times.

Being a Biker-Chic of 50+ years, I've logged a few miles under my belt.  Maybe not as much as some, but certainly more than most.  I loved looking at the bike on an early morning with the sun peeking out from between the limbs of trees, feeling that the day was going to be sunny and warm, I'd crack up whatever bike(s) I had and point its nose....somewhere.

It wasn't unusual for me to log in a few hundred miles before lunch and then carry on to whatever destination was in my head. These were the days before cell phones. What was I thinking? Clearly a demented mind.  NOW, I wouldn't think of going anywhere on a bike without a solid flight plan logged with everyone I know.  NOW, I also must face the reality of ... life.

Putting 400-600 miles on any one of my bikes used to be the "norm".  Ain't so anymore.

The first leg of our trip to the Grand Canyon has us going a wee bit over 400 miles.  I've been on this particular route before and I have to admit....I didn't enjoy it.  It was hot, windy, desolate and did I mention hot and windy and desolate?

Prudence can be the better part of valor and it is in this case, too.  So...Lizzy and I will mount up for the open road on June 18, 2015 in the afternoon and ride to Hobbs, NM. From our house to Hobbs is about 93 miles.  Perfect.  Doing that on the 18th will make getting to Albuquerque a piece of cake at 300+ miles.  I can do that. I think it will be good to put that 93 +/- on us to work out the bugs, get Lizzy's riding seat...set.  it will give us time to use our communication gear and make sure all is well is techno land.

Yup...a good decision.

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