Monday, May 4, 2015

sometimes hearts have to have wings...

For a few brief months my flock of ducks were all together in one spot living under 1 roof.  Oh, there were adjustments learning to live in "community" so to speak, but for the most part the 6 of us did pretty darned good.  But, change is in the air and I must accept what is coming by the foreshadowing of one of my flock...flying!

My son, Tyler, father of the two Best Grandkids in the world, has moved back to the Northwest. Living in West Texas was not his thing (not mine either). It's hard to try to fit in or like an area where everything about it is foreign to what you know, like and appreciate.  I speak from experience being a NW transplant. The difference is, I didn't have a choice that worked for my husband or me. So, I dug in my heels and figured out ways to be OK with where I live. Some days, I do that better than others.

We shared a fun evening at the Rockhounds Minor League Baseball game in the City Suite.

Tyler never wanted the time here to be permanent.  His heart is in the NW - Washington State where there is NOT a lack of things to see and do. He's a product of the Grunge revolution that swept out of Seattle and through the nation in the 1990's.  His heart is in music, art, the street scene in Portland, OR, beaches and the mountains (Hey...that sounds a lot like me!).
There are other more precious reasons for the move:  Lizzy and Eli.

I will miss Tyler (the kids will be here until school is out).  I will miss his sense of humor, his wit, his laughter and his mind.  He challenges me to think think of the great "What if?" and to figure out ways to do whatever it is I think I should do for fun or to grow intellectually.

I will miss him laughing hysterically over a funny YouTube video and then happily sharing it with everyone (even if we said...NO!).  I will miss our Sunday board game fests where try as I may, I can never beat either him or Eli. AGAUGH!!!!!

We did what we needed to do to help:  we gave them security, stability and a home and they were and are grateful for all that we did and continue to do for them and with them. But, they need to go back to Vancouver. Their young hearts are linked to Vancouver, WA with memories my husband and I can't replace with new ones.  The new memories will have a spot in their hearts and that is all I can hope for.

But, I am not their parent. They have a dad and he is a good man.  He is a man who loves his children with a devotion I admire. The kids are resilient. They are not prima-donna-like. They understand not having a lot of money or material things. They are happy and I am proud of the kids they are. But, I cannot take all of the credit.  Their attitudes and the way they look at life and their pathway through it, is a direct result of their dad and their mom.

And, it is for that reason, they need to move back. They need to be closer to their mom and learn further life lessons with her. They need to know she is a part of their lives and they can count on seeing her.  They need to have the Hope that their mom will be a permanent part of their lives. Mostly, as I write this entry, my heart thinks of their mother, Patti. My heart is full of the hope that is borne on the wings of tender mercies given freely by my Higher Power, God. Mostly, the kids need to be in their moms life as she grows.  Patti needs the Hope that are her kids.

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