Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sorta Run Day 1 May 14 Home to Redding, CA

I'd like to report that our day was full of wonderful little happenings and wonderous things we saw-but, that would be a big fat lie. When you need to get somewhere take the freeways.  I-5 is just ugly. The only things that make it tolerable are some of the distant vistas, like Mt.Shasta that truly take your breath away.

We left our home in the forest on the mountain at 7:30am. Eli had gotten up to tell us goodbye and to have a good time-I sent him to snuggle with his dad, Tyler.  Lizzi can sleep through a hurricane and did not stir when Eli said, "Hi Grandma" at pecicely 6:05am.  By the time we finished the last few details, Tyler was up to say goodbye and to take photos.  he declared that, "The 4,000+ mile trip begins with a short drive down our driveway."

Bikes ready to roll...well, at least they are pointed in the right direction!
We met one of John's Patriot Guard riders, Ed at Fred Meyer on Mill Plain, gassed the bikes and headed out under cool and cloudy skies.  400+ miles to go.

Good Grief!  Where is summer?  I detest all these bulkly clothes...but admit to loving being wartm!
Bubblegum helmet ready to go!

And, what would our departure be without the funniest son in the world? Tyler!

Mt.Shasta...from a distance along I-5

The last roadsign I saw said, Weed 17 miles/Redding 94.  we've gone just a little over 300 miles and I felt pretty good.  My back, shoulders and legs are doing great...why...I think I can do 500 a day...and then the wind picked up and it blew and blew and we pulled over at the Weed reststop.  John knows I need to decompress after holding up a bike when the wind comes a swirling.  Indeed; he is right.
Decompressing in the cold wind with my little traveling buddy!

Ed took the time to make a phone call before we set out for the last 70 miles into Redding.
All in all, it was a 8 riding day.  I would have given it a 9 if the wind wouldn't have come up and a 10 if the sun would have been just a bit more obvious.

Bakersfield is our next destination and I'm excited to ride into warmer climate and ditch the bulky stuff.  As I sit in the hotel room, the phoone rang:  My brother, Mario just wanting to check in and see how we are doing.  I had to make a confession to him about my bike.  I had to tell him that it is probably the best bike I've ridden and I am having to eat humble pie and take back all the rotten things I've ever said about riding a Harley.  I said, "Bro...she's looking for more road when I'm at 75mph and justs squats down and powers forward."  Like the very special brother he is...he said, "You are my sister and I love you; but I told you so!"  I have always loved pie..even humble pie!  Tomorrow brings another day...Let's Ride!

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