Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Renewing friendships...in the rain

Standing at the registration desk in the Hilton host hotel, I heard a familiar voice recognizable from recent phone calls and especially the prayers offered up on last year's run.  In a crowd of riders, walking toward me was Preacher...otherwise known as Richard Moore, the Southern Route Coordinator for this years run. the welcome hug and genuine smile warmed my heart with three words, 'Welcome back, Bubblegum!"

We unpacked the bikes, dumped the "stuff" in our room and went in search of Ray and Kay McDowell, Too Tall and too Small.,  Ray is on the Board of directors for the Run and has a myriad of duties and responsibilities and when we found him trying to hide in a corner by the pool (for who would want to be out there in the rain??), he put down the phone and there were hugs and smiles to chase away the gray skies.  I found Too Small standing at the registration line surrounded by the many riders waiting to register. Too Small is an "in-charge" person who seems to have unlimited energies and gets in and gets the job done.  She is the perfect RFTW Ambassador and indeed she is.

We renewed with Wes (Hailstone), Richard (Agitator), many of the Road Guards and Platoon leaders throughout the day as we walked the grounds gave and received "Welcome home" hugs and tried to stay warm in a very cold California wind.

We ended our day with Too Tall and Too Small at the new York Grill eating (when did I really believe I was vegetarian, hmmm????) the fatted cow.  The meal was scrumptious,but it was the conversation and the sharing of our friendship that made the evening so complete.

John and I sat in the hotel room totally satiated by the events that unfolded today and when we said our goodnights, we once again were reminded that our lives are full. We are rich beyond the measure of material wealth or things.  Our day started out with good friends Lee and Palma and new friend, Santa Ed and ended with Ray and Kay.  It just doesn't get any better than that. God has put people in our lives who, along with family, remind us that our existence is more than the sum of it's parts. So, so blessed.

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