Friday, May 20, 2011

on the road again...just can't wait to get on the road again.....

Good morning Las Cruses! sunny, but cool as we head out of the hotel to stage the bike (line up in our platoon), and meet in the VWF hall for breakfast. Whee! Ready to go across the West Texas desert where I'm sure there will be wind, and swirling sand.  It's the desert!

Morning meeting. Shepherd gave tribut to the women today and I was honored to have my name announced as being a valuable part of the run Hydration Team. No thanks's my honor to serve.

Our first tribute stop was at the WW2 Baatan Death March memorial. This is one of my favorite stops on the Run.  It is like being on sacred ground to see the footsteps in concrete replicating the 1800 men who marched...only 900 survived. 

 I met a man, who is from Tacoma whose father was a Batan survivor..a quiet man who said his father never talked much about it except to say that his country needed him and he enlisted.  the man told me thqat he found out his father's military history when he signed up to go into the Marines.  it was then that his father opened a trunk and shared his past.  His father died this past year and he isriding in his memory.  It's stories like this that make me pause to remember the sacrifices made for my freedoms.

Our good friend Lee, Sultan, was part of the Wreath Laying Honor Guard at his memorial.  What a joy to see him marching and saluting and being a part of a solemn and reverent ceremony. Standing with Palma, Dancer, while the ceremony took placeadded to the joy of seeing our dear friends participate in the Run.

Sultan and the honor guard getting briefed.

400 milesto cover and by mile 300, my body and mind said I was DONE.  I neede to spread out and ride my bike, not feel cramped and mentally exhausted from having to be on high alert.  So, after our fueling stop in Pecos, TX, John and I beat feet for Odessa on our own.

We ended our day with dinner at Ray's Equipment: Catfish, chicken, cold slaw, really good baked beans and cake and ice cream. I knew i would be sad because we are leaving the group, but I will ride home with all of them in my heart for the honorable people they are---and I will see them next year
Tomorrow we meet Lee and Palma at the pierman Basin Vietnam Memorial
 - say goodbye to the group and strike out on our own the 4 of us toward New mexico, Utah and then home.
We will leave Sultan and
Dancer in Utah and head for home-leaving them to find more adventures on the big yellow bee before they turn their hearts toward home.

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