Sunday, May 22, 2011

Little Blue Girl showing some road dirt
She doesn't look TOO bad, huh?

Help!  I'm melting-boots, rain gear..melting all over my exhaust!

The weather was perfect as we left Albuquerque and headed for Utah.  Lee was our captain-leader and the pace he chose was great for this little band of wind other than the normal freeway wind.  He chose a scenic route as we approaced Mesa Verde in the corner of Colorado which was a very nice change from blasting on the freeway.

We lunched picnic style in Aztec, NM

and found our way along the old hwy 666 renamed to the:
The holy Ghost highway...well, it is Sunday!

One of the pit stops along our route.  with 400+ miles to go to Utah, we stopped to rest weary bones and hydrate and rest my dodgy right knee, every 60 miles or so...give or take amile or two. It really doesn't matter how many stops you make-you still arrive tired and full of dirt. 

One of the great stops we made was in Macons, CO at Zuma's natural Food and Espresso Bar where we chatted with the manager, a lady from Seattle, and had hot chocolate and lemon/blueberry cake.

We cruised through Monticello, Ut to take photo of the new Temple and change into warm rain gear...clouds are gathering on the horizon where we are headed.

We ended our day in Moab with a good meal at the Blue Pig and saying fiar skies and safe journies to our road buddies Lee and Palma who have truly earned their road names:  Sultan and Dancer.

 We venture up the road toward Salt Lake City and a visit with one of my friends, Ellina and then head West toward home.

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