Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And this is why we are still married.....

My husband and I have come to a very strange way of "getting-ready-to-go-out-the-door-on-vacation-on-our-motorcycles-routine."  It works like this: I start to do something and John takes over.  In years gone by, his attempt at this would have had disasterous results.  Now, I just step back and let it go. I tell him thank you for helping (for I truly am grateful), and smile at him knowing that I am blessed to be married to a guy who wants to help.  Yup.  It's as simple as that.

So, the puttering and staging of our "stuff" continues as we countdown the day until we leave.  We are getting very close to that moment when we bungee down the last item, swing our leg over our faithful rides and turn the keys. When I turn the key, I will hear the well-known sound of the Harley engine with added pipes going GRRRRRR; John will not hear a thing when he turns the key...it's a smooth-gliding Goldwing.  I love both the sounds.  I appreciate the difference in engineering and the diverse cultural statements they both make. And, sorta like the sorta ride, I feel after 50 years of riding motorcycles that I can smile and walk comfortably between both cultural worlds without being all strange acting that I have to ride a specific bike in order to enjoy what I have come to love:  the open road on a motorcycle. Our grandson, Eli, my Magic The Gathering partner in playing the game, would say, I am like a Planeswalker Wizard moving between the Multiverses vanquishing the evilness ... but, I digress....

I'm honestly not looking forward to riding in the rain, but we have good gear:  Frog Toggs and Tourmaster waterproof boot covers and we have Gerbing heated gear to keep us toasty. We will be fine.
See the pelt 4th from the left?  It's the pretty silver one that now adorns my leather seat.  Comfy, will keep my teusch cool in the hot weather and warmish in the cold weater.  And this is why we are still married...


On a typical NorthWet day, John eagerly went to the front porch and declared that my present had arrived!  "You bought a present FOR MOI?" says I.  "Yes, honey, and you will love it!" states John.  He brought in the box, tenderly put it on the island in the kitchen and then retreived a knife to open the box.  You can imagine my amazement when his arm reached in and pulled out a dead sheep hide about the size of Detroit. At this point he makes the fatal (Bwahahahahaha) comment which is now in the universe and cannot be retracted..EVER..."Honey, it's for your seat on the Goldwing!!" My arse is THAT big??  OK....I'm good with it.  But, I did give him the "Wife Look" which as every married couple knows is the look of death.

We walked into the garage and he began to extoll the virtues of teusch comfort. Then, the "Husband-Look" kinda like the deer in the headlights, came upon his face when he remembered I was riding my own bike. I now have a pretty silver buttpad for my blue girl.  And, that is why we are still married...Hugs, honey.

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