Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bubblegum rides....Run Day Rancho to Phoenix

Alright, it isn't the roadname I would have chosen for myself, but the more I hear it called out by fellow riders, the more I like it. No; I don't chew gum let alone bubblegum (I used to..but the older I get, the more precious my fillings are to me!) It is my sparkling pink helmet that the Road Guards thought looked like a big wad of pink Bubblegum. So, the day we left Rancho and headed for Phoenix was a special day for me, Bubblegum.  I will tell you why a bit later..

John, aka..Crusty, and I were up early 4:45 am only to look outside and see the morning dark and raining!  UGH! But, the other riders in the hotel were full of good cheer and all I could say was, It's a"Bonney Day to Ride!"We staged our bikes in the 3rd Platoon and waited for the 5 minute call to ride.

Our first hydration stop of the day and I began to pull off the cold weather gear.

We love stopping for lunch in Blythe, CA. The town comes out in great support for the Vets and the Run. Their Jr. ROTC program is wonderful.  The members hold swords up forming a long arch for us to walk under as we enter the pavillion for lunch. they also participate in the presentations. This stop is a great way to start off the Run.

Never one to miss the food I am!

John with a remarkable young Marine, Staff Sgt  Tim Connors.  He is the fully dressed-in-blues marine who stands at silent salue attention every year on the DC Mall during Rolling Thunder.  This year will be his 9th year. He was scholarshipped by the Run to go all the way with the group.  He was recently in the hospital to set a broken bone and while there, he contracted MRSA. The duffle bag on his shoulder carries his IV supplies that he plugs into shuts in his wrist.  He served in both Iraq and Afghanistan

I did really well today on Blue Girl.  No body aches or pains that can't be solved by a hot shower and Ben-Gay! John and I got split at the first fuel stop so I rode by a husband and wife on one of the most beautiful standard paint Harley's I've ever seen. Road conditions weren't the best; but we made it into Phoenix without incident.

As we approached our last fuel stop on Tonopah, AZ, I thought I recognized a face in the waving crowd welcoming us into the gas station. As I approached the group, I saw Diane, "Sweetness", wife of Duct Tape. She recognized my helmet and yelled, BUBBLEGUM!" i responded, "SWEETNESS". I was hoping they woulde both be at our hotel as they live in Phoenix -and they were. Duct Tape will always hold a soft spot in my heart as he was the Road Guard that officially gave me my road name.  He is doing the best he can since he was T-Boned by a driver running a red light-hitting him on his Goldwing. Seeing both of them at the hotel, giving them hugs and hearing how Duct Tape is doing in his recovery warmed my heart.
Sweetness and Duct Tape.

Being very tired, both John and I went to bed blogless.

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