Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunny Skies of Kauai

Aloha from Kauai!
Everytime I come to the islands I amazed at the ocean. The sheer power of it can make me swoon and go weak in the knees. Oh, the trees and flowers are fine, but I can see bigger trees and different flowers at home. Granted, these are tropical flowers with their broad red leaves.At home I can look out the window or walk into my backyard and see hanging moss, lichen and blackberry vines. Ok. OK! The flora is gorgeous, but no more beautiful than the NW offerings. It's the OCEAN. I can stand or sit for long periods of time just looking out into the horizon and watch the breakers follow the tides pull to shore. The ever-old pounding of the surf always holds me transfixed. Now, if I could only wiggle my nose and have all of the people vanish...but, I digress....

Right now, at this very moment, it's raining. It's not a NorthWet rain...thank you, God. It's a tropical shower that is coming down in buckets. It's dark on the lanai, but already I can see the clouds and rain are going to blow out to sea. It's early on Sunday morning July 23. I'm listening to the resident rooster signal the coming dawn.  The sun is up signaling the coming of a gorgeous day, my hubby just kissed me good morning as I look out onto MY communing temple with God...I see surfers on the close in and far out breakers....sigh...memo to are not alone in Kauai. Awrighty then...I will quit waxing poetic and get down to the serious stuff of what the heck am I doing in Kauai.


Normally, if there is such a thing, John and I would wait until late August or September in order to avoid a lot more people. So, why are we here amidst a sea of the multitides? FAMILY.

We are here with the Rodriguez family: Johns's sister, Patti, her husband Javiar (Jav), and two daughters, Solea 15, and Caricia 13. We hatched the idea on the phone one day and two days later, we had flights booked and our condo space locked in. ACTION WOMEN! This is their first time to the Hawaiian Islands and it is wonderful to see it for the first time through their eyes. Having them as family is only a bonus, as we are close friends. They are an example that you can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends amongst family. We are so greatful they are both! And as we gather and talk...we are reminded just how fragile relationships are. They take work and time to maintain. To me a valued friendship, be it in a family or not, is about sharing a history of events where there is give and take, mutual and shared opinions and a true and open line of honest communication....and ya just gotta like the person or persons enough to want to spend time and share with them. We have that kind of relationship with the Rodriguez family. We are blessed.

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