Monday, January 3, 2011

Lizzi's Great Adventure

Elizabeth Suzanne, aka-Lizzi, is my amazing 9 year old granddaughter.  She is interested in a myriad of things and none of them are dolls or traditional little girlie things. For this, I AM A GRATEFUL Grandma Pat.  Oh, if she liked all things "girlie" she and I would still have the relationship we have - it would just need tweaking.  Lizzi is an exquisite girl of infinitley good taste for she has a liking for all things camoflauge, Zombies, swords, Kung Fu, all things dog, barn, and the great outdoors. She tickles my heart with her stories of princesses who get eaten by a frog, not masquerading as a handsome prince, but as an evil alien. She delights me with pictures she draws of frogs eating flies as well as Rupenzel who has tricked the silly prince into climbing up her hair only to watch him fall after she takes off her wig of long hair!  She tells me ghost stories which she crosses her heart and hopes to die that they are the absolute truth!

Lizzi donned grubby clothes, and announced she wanted an adventure in our woods with her dad.  Her dad wanted to watch football in a warm house. But, being the great dad that he is, he and Lizzi went on a trapsing adventure of our woods.

To me, Lizzi embodies all that life has to offer. She is not jaded by the world, nor does she think she can't do something.  She is, as all 9 year old girls should be, full of life and the expectations that the world is hers and hers alone to explore. When I look at Lizzi and listen to her mind, I see a very small version of myself who long ago stood on the top of a hill, beat on my chest, spread my wings and flew.  And one day, before I realized time had gone by too fast, I landed on earth.  But for now, Lizzi can spread her wings of thought, reach for the sky and fly to the moon and go, girl; FLY!

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