Monday, January 17, 2011

...of Horses and Heroes and Bucket List

Growing up seemed easier with a horses as my escape.  I was a lucky girl to have been able to do that. And, as my life has changed and moved on there is a big part of me that truly misses being around horses.  Anyone who knows me and has taken the time to ask about my life with horses gets either the long or the short version depending on how I feel and how much I choose to share about that part of my life (over 30 years).

My dogs have definitely filled the gap of snuggling up to something other than my husband (which ain't bad!), but I miss the warmth and the smell of a horse.  I know some folk would think me nuts, but there isn't anything in the world that evokes fond memories in my brain more than walking through a horse barn and taking in all the smells-especially on a hot day. To me, there is nothing quite like it.  Is it any wonder that riding a horse is on my bucket list?

My heroes in the sports world are not quarterbacks or pitchers or running backs - they are horses.  There are three that deeply touch my heart. Why?  Because they are magnificent - created by something other than man's ability to manipulate breeding with bloodlines. They have been truly touched by God: Seabiscut, Secretariat and Seattle Slew.

The wonderful Seabiscut who never won The Derby, Preakness or the Belmont Stakes. But, his accomplishments and comeback from insurmountable injury to win again speaks for itself,
"It's not in his feet, Georgie, it's in his heart."
(Red Pollard talking to George, The Iceman, Woolfe in the movie, Seabiscut)
Seabiscut winning the famed match race against Triple Crown winner, War Admiral.

There aren't adverbs in the dictionary to describe Secretariat.  Athlete of the decade...athlete of the century. Under the guidance of owner Penny Cherney Tweedy, trainer Lucien Lauren, groomer, Eddie Sweat, and jockey Ron Turcotte, Secretariat did the impossible in the Belmont Stakes - win by 31 lengths. Can you imagine the pounding hoofs? The blaze of a big red lightening bolt as he made the clubhouse turn and then blew away Sham by 31 lengths!
Ron Turcotte checks over his left shoulder to see where he is as Secretariat, Big Red
does the seemingly impossible!

Stalking his prey, and overcoming adversity to power his way to the Triple Crown was Seattle Slew. The big brown horse affectionatly known as "The Slew" was a firey colt who danced his "War Dance" before getting into the gates and then would kick out at them as well. He proved he was a champion who made no excuses when he was badly bumped coming out of the gate in the Derby and forfited several lenghts while he got himself straightened out and then used his superior power and strength to bull his way into the lead and win!

I have no illusions of being able to ride a horse for any length of time or duration.  I've accepted that as I've gotten older, there are things I need to leave behind and the injuries I have sustained in both horse and car accidents preclude me from being a serious rider again. But, I am so grateful to be able to fulfill another Bucket List item with the help of my friend, Stephanie who will take me trail riding on one of her horses.  I hope it's a hot day when the horses perfume brings back those beautiful memories. I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that was beautiful as well as informative. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
