Monday, January 10, 2011

Zombies and Wizards, Funny Dad and Uncle Jeff...O My!

When I was 7 years old I played "Hide the Button" with my Swedish Grandmother, Sigrid,  and older brother Mike, who was 9.  After we successfully found the button and Grandmother was tired of the game, we went into the kitchen and sat at the red wooden nook and drank hot chocolate.  OK...nostalgia is well, nostalgia and I don't sit around wishing for the "good old days" when there is so much to embrace in the NOW.

That being said, our home was invaded by the new wave of Saturday games with Grandma: Zombies and Magic.  Oh, we play Life, Battleship, Sorry and Clue as well, but the really COOL games are ones where the players can pit their wits against evil Wizards and Zombies. The bonus in these games is that dad (Tyler) and the best uncle in the world, Uncle Jeff, will play. They give no quarter to the's get in, learn, and play.  Note: Eli age 7 won!
 Magic: The game begins as Tyler plays a card, Eli looks on and Uncle Jeff contemplates his move.
 Funny dad, Tyler, has the evil Wizard cards and is ready to pounce!
 Alas, Eli has the winning card to abolish the Evil Wizard!
 Lizzy has a card that will vanquish the Zombies!
 The game:  try to get to the helicopter before the Zombies eat you.  Not quite like hiding the button!
Uh, Oh!  Maybe hiding the button is a better idea.  Nah!
Evil Wizards vanquished and Zombies obliterated, we end the evening with ice cream and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Maybe when Lizzy and Eli are older they will recollect Saturday night game night with the same fond memories I have of my Grandmother. Although we don't have a red nook, we have a really cool, but funky, table in the kitchen where crumbs dropped on the floor just don't matter!

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