Friday, December 31, 2010

Sun is Shining-Let's Ride!

I met Barbara on the incredible motorcycle trip we took last year with a group of riders called, Run For The Wall. With much in common - a deep love for our country, our troops and motorcycle riding, we became friends.  Life is life and we hadn't seen each other since the ride. There have been phone calls and Emails, but we couldn't quite hook up. Well....I had the day off today, the sun is out, we waited for the frost to at least attempt to thaw, and we rode!  Heck; it is 29' and we have heated gear!

We didn't ride very far - that wasn't the purpose; just get together and renew and refresh. So, we left our warm houses, and family and on a beautiful, but very cold last day of an incredible year - we said to each other, "Girl, what are we thinking??" Soup helped warm us as we reminisced, looked at her wonderful photo and journal of the Run and talked about making the 2011 Run. It was a great day. Thanks, Barb for bundling up and making it memorable!

 Barb standing next to her Heritage Classic...a beautiful and comfy ride.
 Here's me standing next to my Sportster without a windshield; a beautiful but cold ride!

Two girlfriends renewing friendship, talking about life and planning rides....fantastic!

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