Thursday, April 23, 2015

OhMyGosh! A TEENAGER is in the house...........

Written January 2015

Turning 13 is one of the first milestone years that young folk mark as an age of importance. I don't remember my 13th as anything special.  I do remember 7 when no one came to my birthday party, and my mom combated it by taking me and two of my cousins to Seattle where we rode the fairy, ate lunch in a swanky restaurant and then spent the night in a fancy hotel.

I remember 16 vividly with a slumber party, movie, swimming and just a bunch of girlfriends hanging out.  I didn't get my drivers' licence until two months later.  I wasn't in any hurry to drive until my mom and step dad drove my Tempest LeMans convertible into the driveway! Such a brat.

I remember 18 being taken out to dinner by my boyfriend and receiving a beautiful Tissot watch from him and money from my parents.

21 I picked up my brand new 289 High Performace Fast-back Mustang....but I digress.

Lizzy turned 13 on December 10, 2104.  I felt sad that her mom was not there to participate. She had a slumber party with 4 girls invited (one could not come); so, three of her close buds came to eat pizza, snacks, hang out and sleep in the Snoopy House.

All in all it was a good time and was loads of fun to have giggling girls in the house.

I'm not sure how Lizzy will mark in her memories turning 13, but I am hoping that she will remember the positive things about her "day" and look back at this milestone with fondness....only time will tell. Until then, Happy Birthday, are the BEST.

 Moustache....everything moustache!

 Tribute to her Fender guitar!

 Contemplating life at 13...

 Selfie of us

 Lizzy and her buds

Breakfast the morning after was bacon, bacon and more bacon along with these scrumptious French Puffs...yummmmmmm.

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