Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Grand Canyon Ride Pre-Trip Planning Post #2 - lists....lists....lists

Well, it isn't like I can give my husband a Honey-do list for HIM to work on. The lists are mine to create and then fulfill. I think I'm doing a snappy job cuz I have the lists numbered at 3

  1. Itinerary
  2. Stuff to do
  3. How to pack the bike
A few years ago, if you (think anyone) was anal or even considered anal, people would look at you and practically shun your existence. Well, I think anal gets a bad rap.  I mean...where would we be without anal engineers creating bridges, airplanes, etc?  Now, I'm not sure that anal quality transfers over to list making, but I think it does. After all, a bridge engineer probably started with a to-to list, right?
He didn't have a to-do list.....

My lists are anal.  I admit to it and I raise my banner for all the women and men out there who make lists and check off things as they complete. My #2 list (see above) is getting little check marks by all the things I needed to complete before we pack.  It makes me feel good to see the little check's a measure that I can stay focused.

My #3 list has an area for trial run/packing.  I haven't checked it off yet because I am still refining what needs to be packed.  I've been riding motorcycles for a very long 50+ years..and I've learned to pack light...I'm not high maintenance. Give me moisturizer, sunscreen and I'm good to go as far as cosmetics go. Heck, I've even bought cheap undies and thrown them away as I go so I don't have dirty duds on the bike.

Packing now, includes cyberspace things:  chargers, cords, batteries, tablets, phones....they are necessary, right? Well, if you want to document the trip and keep in touch for safety reasons, yes; they are necessary. #2 list will have a trial run about two weeks before departure.

Then there is the #1 list which has become the Queen of all anal lists.  I have this puppy so finely tuned...but it's the only way I can's how I roll....literally.

List #1 is on an Excel sheet is uber anal. The itinerary is a daily picture of each days destination and things to see and do along the journey from city A to City B.  Mileage, fuel/pit stops are noted as well as lodging.  Doing it this way is a comfort to me.  I like to know that when my back hurts or I get the least bit road weary that there is a fuel stop xx# miles up the road. Having ridden on long stretches of highway is a good thing to know.

Yay!! The itinerary is set, lodging secured, fun things to do (mule ride in Canyon and 5 line Zip Line called the Predator) reserved.

North Rim. We will spend two night on the North Rim - to see both sunrise and sunset and ride the mules into the canyon.

OK....I have set our reservations for a 2 hour mule ride around the rim and into the forest.  I don't think my fear of heights would be good to ride down into the canyon.  I'd have to do it with both eyes closed!

Scene:  Lizzy fixing her hair in the bathroom.  I approach.  "Lizzy, I've been thinking about something fun to do on the way back home. There is a type of a zoo called Out of Africa Wildlife Park not far from Sedona and on our way home.  I thought we could stop there"  Lizzy does not look up from her task of straightening her hair.  I continue. "They have vehicles  we can ride in that will get us up close and personal with animals".  Lizzy responds, "Sure."

I thought this looked like fun until I saw this:

 Scene continues in bathroom:  "Well, they looked like fun, so, you think you want to do one of those tours...or would you rather ride a 5 part zip line called the "Predator: that takes us over the open areas where the lions are down below?"
Lizzy:  "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Camp Verde, AZ

Reservations are set for the Zip line....I think I would have preferred the jeep tours!!!

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