Tuesday, April 21, 2015

here I am....let's chat

Well...I'm not sure what to say. Blogs are hard.  Hard to maintain when the blog is not exactly my life or at least the total sum of my parts.

So, here I sit feeling a bit remorseful that I have not maintained my little world of cyber space for so long.  I went missing from my blog once before and I think the same reason holds true.  Life is life on life's terms and sometimes, life just gets in the way of blogging.

I wish I could be like professional bloggers, but I am not. So, I make no excuses for my lazy behavior.

Let's chat.

I had to look back on the various posts to see exactly when my last one was.  My bad....a few years ago...2012 to be exact. So, what's been up in those past years where posting went away?  Let me bullet point the low and highs and if you are interested in peeking at more detail...check the labels where the events will be detailed.


  • I got a job that I actually enjoy and appreciate-no label here
  • I joined a dog club-no label here
  • Rode horses:  Norman, Quarterhorse and Drake, Thoroghbred.  Whee!!!
  • July, we went to Lake LBJ with friends
  • June I traveled to the NW to see grands Elizabeth and Eli and son, Tyler. Then ventured across the Cascades to visit my sister, Linda and her family- was a great, fun-filled trip-Family Label
  • Flew back to the NW in mid December to see son and grandkids-Family Label
  • Grandkids are taken by their mom to Southern Oregon to live-this is a sad time
  • Spent first Christmas in Texas - I tried to be happy-Christmas Label
This is really taxing my brain to remember high and low lights of years gone by; which is another reason to just do it!  Keep up with my blog postings.
  • My beautiful girl, Jazzy, the best dog EVER in the world was diagnosed with Cushings. Prognosis: about 18 months to live - TOPS. Dog Label
  • Marley achieved his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) title-YAY!!
  • Marley achieved his Novice Rally title-YAY!!!
  • Rode our scoots into the Big Bend National Park with friends - beautiful trip.
  • Rode our scoots with Run For the Wall as Ambassadors from Odessa to Washington DC
  • Flew to the NW to see son. Tyler and take Lizzy and Eli camping at the Oregon coast-Family Label
  • X-Box Kinnect video chat is the best technology EVER to share in real time visits with Tyler, Lizzy and Eli.
This year started on a strange wave of uber emotions and has not abated as I post this in April 2015.
Lots of Labels.....peek, if you choose....

  • January - Grandkids now live with their dad, my son Tyler in Vancouver, WA
  • February I send a guitar to Lizzy
  • April - I visit the NW see Grandkids, Tyler and friends
  • April - We ride scoots to Riodoso, NM with friends
  • June 26 - the Grandkids arrived for the rest of the summer
  • July - We go to Carlsbad Canyons and Roswell with grandkids and stay in KOA in cute little cabin
  • July - Off we go to San Antonio...the Alamo...and Sea World and Aquatica....a great time!
  • August - John helps move Tyler to our home- the now live with us....this is a happy/sad time
  • August - kids start school in Odessa
  • September - Lizzy and I enter lots of crafts and food in Ector County Fair...we win lots of Blue and Champion ribbons!
  • October Close to Halloween - the kids mom, Patti, comes to visit - this is a happy time
  • October - John and I trade in our scoots (my Harley and his Goldwing) on a 2012 Can-am Spyder with a cute little trailer
  • Thanksgiving - Way too much food
  • Christmas - OHMYSTARS!!!! 

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