Friday, June 1, 2012

it was as a crappy Christmas...

I didn't lose my desire to write on my blog.  I lost my desire to do just about anything for a few months.

My employment went away in August 2011. Actually, my last day reporting to work was on my 20th anniversary.  Nice, huh? Needless to say, John and I did not go out to dinner.  We spent the evening sitting on our deck being very, very quiet...quiet, that is, until I burst into tears and sobbed until I couldn't bring forth anymore tears.  I don't think I could have made it without the support of my husband, John and my 3 dogs who all snuggled and cuddled me at the same time. What would I do without them?

Days and months blurred on.  It wasn't easy being unemployed.  I felt like I had failed myself and my family. I lost interest in  the house, the yard, reading. The only thing I felt like doing was sitting. Clearly, I was in a dangerous funky area.  I tried to keep busy doing things...puttering; but the crappy NW weather is not entirely suited to being outside.

Then, it came on Christmas. Christmas is usually my favorite time of the year. But, I knew that this year, 2011, was going to be our last Christmas in the house. Usually, I ask my granddaughter, Lizzy to come and spend the weekend decorating with me.  In years past, we would drink cocoa, eat cookies and stay up late talking and snuggling in anticipation of the big day! I didn't do that this past year.  I selfishly wanted to do it myself.  I wanted to take out each and every ornament and "thing" and hold it and remember just when and where I got it.

I found myself not being unhappy or sad about decorating like I thought I would. Then, the bottom fell out of my world. My dog Ira became sick on the 23rd of December.
Ira at 5 weeks...the day I brought him home from Hood River, Oregon

I took him to the Vet - he was dehydrated so we infused him with fluids. He was gassy and needed to walk when we got home.  Marianne came with her Poodles, Ivan, Lucy and Henry and together with my Jazzy, Marley and Ira we tried to walk a short distance. Ira was having difficulty walking, trying to go potty with no results, so we came back home.  Christmas Eve Day we tried to walk again, but he just couldn't make the walk. We turned around and came home.  Marianne and I hugged and she gave Ira a hug as she said goodbye.

He was always a snuggler, and Christmas Eve was no different.  The dogs joined us in the living room while we opened presents and for awhile, I thought he looked chipper - he loved the grandkids and always wanted to be near them.  He slept with me as always with his back up against mine.

This is the only title Ira won.  He didn't like to be in the ring AT ALL
and after this title, he happily retired!

Christmas Day I called Marianne and said I was taking Ira to the Vet again that I didn't think he was going to survive.  After a trip to the Vet, where they could find nothing appreciably wrong with him, I brought him home to be with us.

This is one of my favorite picture of Ira...he loved the snow and he loved his ball.

My son, Jeff, carried him up the stairs and we laid him down on a comfy bed John and Jeff had made; and there early in the morning of December 26, with me laying beside him, Ira took his last earthly breath.  Just a simple shudder...a quiet breath and he was gone. It was a crappy Christmas.

I miss you Ira, and at times when I reach out my hand when I'm in bed, and I can almost feel your soft silky hair and your warm back up against mine. Thank you, Ira for being my devoted friend and companion who always knew when I needed a snuggle.

John and I made the trip to Peaceful Paws Crematorium with Ira on Christmas Day.  Ira was cremated on December 26, 2011.  Palma Davis, my dear friend, came with me to bring him home.  What would I do without friends?

My faithful and devoted Ira Silverman sits on my dresser in a sturdy oak box right next to our beautiful Riff who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 26, 2008.

(Note:  results of his blood work showed he died of catastrophic liver failure.  He had shown no signs of illness prior to December 23.  His last checkup, May 2011, said he was in good condition.  

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