Wednesday, September 18, 2019

...should I start a podcast?

Ha!  I was told by a few people this past year that I had a lot to say and therefore should consider starting a podcast. Say WHAT? I do like to hear myself talk, but is what I am listening to really very good to hear? Does my rambling have merit? And, finally, would anyone care?

I thought about it.  I thought:  What would I call it? Would I have a "theme?" What would I need to start a podcast? often would I cast the pod into the world?  Well, it was way too many questions to answer all at once, so I quit thinking about it.  Now, after considerable time has passed, I am once again thinking...about it. Here's what I think.

I'm not a fashionista and could care less about being fashion-forward.  Heck, I barely like clothes so that leaves fashion out.  Makeup?  Who cares if you wear it or not; so not a fashion pod.  Advise to the love lorn?  Nah.  Where did those revelations lead?  I'll tell ya.  You ready?, I don't want to let the title out of the bag until I am ready to go-live.

So, maybe I do have a lot to say and if I think about it, maybe it will even be a bit intelligent. At any rate, I am going to blog and pod my way through the universe.

What is ....title deleted...?  It's exactly as it is stated.  I get to ramble about what interests me in the universe and in life.  Now, I may select material from others and if I do so, I will pay homage to them; I'm not a thief, afterall. But, sometimes, what I hear or see from others is just better than anything I could come up with.  I will add my own take on their work and hopefully, if the borrowed thoughts are not proprietary, and I use them..they will be enriched by my spin. Who knows, right?

When will this casting of said pod take place?  It's now the middle of September 2019 and I must wait until I do more research on equipment and then save the $$ to purchase.  I'm making an educated guess of January. Although, I may ask for some "stuff" for Christmas. Dunno. Give me a few weeks and I'll get it sorted out.  In the meantime, have a great day.

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