Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Run For The Wall...well....sorta....

Motorcycle people call motorcycle group riding "runs" or "rally".  Run sounds strange: I'm not running, I'm riding. Rally sounds like getting a group of people together to protest something. So,  I just say, "I'm going to go ride my scoot." Saying that seems less complicated for me.

John and me: FNG: Fine New Guy/Gal - Rancho Cucamonga May, 2010

Run For The Wall is a ride/rally/run for motorcycle riders who devote 10 days of their time riding across the United States to Arlington, VA and the Vietnam Wall in DC. The purpose of the ride is to welcome home Veterans of military service who served in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, any other campaign, or just served in the military.  I use the word "just" with caution, as the good folk who spent time in the military and who did not see combat are the "lucky" ones. Their patriotism and courage in times of peace is no less honored in my mind or my husbands. And, as we rode, it was apparent that their contribution for our great country is honored. That makes me happy. The other very important purpose of the trip is to continue to bring awareness of the many POW/MIA still unaccounted.

This makes me happy, too. These are some of the school children of Montvale, VA elementary school, who presented a hand made flag to the Southern Route Coordinator, Ray, "Too Tall" McDowell.

Last May 2010, my hubby, John, and I runned and rallied and rode our way across the southern part of the United States eventually moving up through Virginia to our destination of Arlington, VA. and The Vietnam Wall in DC.  I blogged and blogged about it on another blog engine.  I thought I did a pretty darned good job of documenting our feelings and the happenings along the way. I often check the old blog site and smile at the memories:  some sadly beautiful and some very much fun. They are all good memories encompassing cities who came out to greet us, people who shook our hands and told my husband, "Welcome home, sir. Thank you for your service."
It's never too late to say, "Thank you for your service." Big Spring Texas Memorial.  John second from left.

We are getting ready to run/rally-ride again this year. Our journey will once again take us from the forrested hills of Battle Ground, WA to the southern United States. We are only able to ride into Texas this year and that is alright. The joy and happiness of this trip will be having our good friends on their big yellow Goldwing riding with us as FNG:  Fine New Guy/Gal.  He's a retired Lt. Cmdr. Navy pilot and she is by helmet bumping, dime rolling buddy.  It's going to be a great Run / Rally - Ride.

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