Friday, May 29, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Ride Post #6

17 days and a wake up and Lizzy and I will be heading out. It's hard to believe we are so close.

What's left to do:
  • Take a ride and test our music and in-coming phone calls to see what they do to communication between us.
  • Get the GoPro Camera up and running and figure out where to mount on Lizzy's helmet
  • Buy the audio pack for the camera so we can record what we see.
What else.....oh yeah... 
  1. Make sure we have all of our electronic's chargers and that they work...sometimes they die a fast death.
  2. Input into my tablet daily itinerary with hotel reservations#'s and make sure it syncs to phone
  3. Make paper backup copy just in case #2 crashes
Knowing me, when the big list, which includes the above is completed, I will have a short list...last minute things...but right now, I haven't the foggiest what that short list will look like.

Mule ride into Canyon has been reserved!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Wonderful, Amazing, Simply Precious...Eli

I suppose all grandparents love their grandchildren in their own way...whatever that means and is.
I unabashedly love my grandchildren. As I write this, I am painfully aware that I do not have a relationship with two grandchildren who are not mine by birth. But, that's another story to be posted at another time.

My two grandchildren progeny of my youngest son, Tyler, are Elizabeth Suzanne and Elijah Ty-Anthony. There aren't enough words to express my adoration and complete love for them, so I will leave that as that.

It is true Elizabeth and I are close...we do a lot together, or at least we did before she became a teen. It's natural for her to want to be left alone...not bugged and not interrupted when she is in her room.  I respect that. We are still close, but she is growing and maturing and ... growing away. This, too, is part of the maturation process.  So goes life.

Then, there is Eli.  Eli and I are from two different planets.  He's from planet Geek and I am from planet Grandma.  Somehow, the two planets find each other in the vast universe of house and when they come together (not collide)'s pretty darned cool.

Superbowl Winners!!
Russell Wilson jersey...he's a HAPPY CAMPER!

Eli is our genius, somewhat ADD/ADHD all American boy.  His hair is always toussled, he runs around in his white socks that soon become gray with holes, he wears geeky T-shirts, loves is a rabid Seahawk fan and quotes stats...loves Superheroes (clarity, here---Marvel Superheroes)...plays video games, has conversations with his on-line buddies, relates to computers and math and numbers and sequences of number, he nails the Rubics cube in less than 30 seconds and can do it with his eyes closed - he said the secret is in Trigonometry..and he adores his Uncle Jeff (my oldest non-married, son), has to be reminded to take showers and wash his hair and loves his mom and dad.  Yup...pretty darned special. But what else?

Eli is sensitive beyond being sensitive.  He never raises his voice (except to tell his on-line buddies to play harder and smarter).  He recoils from adversity and is not confrontational.  At his tender age of 11 he can still cry and tries very hard to hold back tears when he is sad.

Eli is always willing to help and always does what I ask him to do. Somehow that's expected. But, what is different about Eli is that he will ask if there is anything he can do to help.  Sometimes, when he does that, I am blown away as I DON'T expect it.  It's part of what he does that makes him so very special.

We share mornings. That's our time together/alone.  Lizzy's still in bed, John and Jeff have gone to work and Eli and I get his lunch and his back pack ready to go to school. We load his bike into the car and go. But what else is so special about mornings? Conversation.

I've learned more about Eli than I ever thought was possible. We watch the news and talk about what's going on in the world (if there are really ugly things going on..we watch sports..I want him to go to school without being concerned with bombings and terrorist organizations - he deserves his wide-eyed childhood). So, we talk...mostly he asks questions or makes statements. It's up to me to carry on the conversing, so I am somewhat rhetorical to get him to keep talking. Some days, it's not necessary.  He's full of questions and answers as he talks about the earth, global warming, science, movies, sports or what latest event in school made him two kids getting bloody noses in science...he thought that was cool because it happened in science.  He followed that up with science should be studying spontaneous nose bleeds.

Eli reminds me of his dad, Tyler. Sometimes, it's scary that they are so much alike. But, the intellectual genius that is Tyler is evident in Eli. They are cut from the same cloth and I love it. Looking and interacting with Eli is a walk down memory lane...that can make me smile or cry...I barely lived through his dad at times. Where Tyler was a challenge that I did not altogether understand, Eli has come along when I have, hopefully, obtained a bit of wisdom and understanding of the differences in the way people think or behave.

Eli and his dad. This is very special..very precious.

Eli is my morning buddy who rises out of bed, hits the floor with his feet - one with a sock and the other naked....and says, "Good morning, Grandma. Do we need to make my lunch? Are you making me a smoothie?"

I know when it is time for him to move back to Vancouver, WA to be with his dad and closer to his mom, he will be a very happy boy.  I know that when that happens, I will be happy for him. Sad for me, but so happy for him.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Trip Planning Post #5

Let the countdown begin...

28 days and a wake up. The time will fly, of that, I am certain.  What I find myself wondering is...what am I forgetting? I review my lists and think that all is well in list-land..but the reality of
list-land is...who REALLY knows?

I did go off the list and purchased a new black denim's got a gun pocket! Phew!  Now I feel safe...a little sarcasm ...

Lizzy told me last night that she was counting the days was out and our trip.  I wasn't sure which one was more important to her but I think right now, I would lose to school getting out.

I feel like I need to get the Spyder out a few more times.....I can't remember how to release the parking brake!  Jeesh..................

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Grand Canyon Pre-Trip Plannng Post #4

Just an Itty Bitty Change....

Sometimes I have to take a step back from dream-land and take a walk in reality. This is one of those times.

Being a Biker-Chic of 50+ years, I've logged a few miles under my belt.  Maybe not as much as some, but certainly more than most.  I loved looking at the bike on an early morning with the sun peeking out from between the limbs of trees, feeling that the day was going to be sunny and warm, I'd crack up whatever bike(s) I had and point its nose....somewhere.

It wasn't unusual for me to log in a few hundred miles before lunch and then carry on to whatever destination was in my head. These were the days before cell phones. What was I thinking? Clearly a demented mind.  NOW, I wouldn't think of going anywhere on a bike without a solid flight plan logged with everyone I know.  NOW, I also must face the reality of ... life.

Putting 400-600 miles on any one of my bikes used to be the "norm".  Ain't so anymore.

The first leg of our trip to the Grand Canyon has us going a wee bit over 400 miles.  I've been on this particular route before and I have to admit....I didn't enjoy it.  It was hot, windy, desolate and did I mention hot and windy and desolate?

Prudence can be the better part of valor and it is in this case, too.  So...Lizzy and I will mount up for the open road on June 18, 2015 in the afternoon and ride to Hobbs, NM. From our house to Hobbs is about 93 miles.  Perfect.  Doing that on the 18th will make getting to Albuquerque a piece of cake at 300+ miles.  I can do that. I think it will be good to put that 93 +/- on us to work out the bugs, get Lizzy's riding seat...set.  it will give us time to use our communication gear and make sure all is well is techno land.

Yup...a good decision.

Friday, May 8, 2015

...gotta love the idea of camping on the Oregon Coast

Living in Texas, as I do, it is easy to forget the cool, and sometimes rainy days on the Oregon Coast. But, the weather on the coast had been beautiful for my planned camping trip with the grandkids. Flying out of Texas and heading to Portland, OR, I was so happy to think about the good time we would have at the beach.

Before I left, I ordered and had shipped to Tyler's house a variety of things for our three glorious days on the beach:  a pop-up sun thingy to put in the sand and keep us from getting sunburned, a new Coleman camp stove, camp chairs, camp cook ware, sleeping bags, a nifty Coleman cot and sleeping pads for the kids.  We were prepared!

I arrived in Portland, picked up my 4x4 SUV and headed for Tyler's where I was greeted with much excitement (for me..or the trip???).  The kids and I made a food shopping list which included s'mores. Off to Fred Meyer we trekked (I had not forgotten all I love about Fred Meyer shopping just don't get it!!).

The next morning, with packed coolers and all camp gear and tent loaded in the SUV, we headed off to Cannon Beach where we had reservations at a private camp ground called, Wright's For Camping.  I have stayed there a few times is great!

Kids are singing, we are playing word games as we cross the coast mountain range and drop into Cannon Beach...where it is blue skies!

It doesn't take us long to set up our tent and sun screen tent and start a nice bonfire (yes, I can make fire!). After setting up camp, we head into Cannon Beach for some fun shopping and return to camp when it doesn't take long for the blue sky to change to overcast and with the threat of sprinkles. Wait! Change sprinkles to a steady drizzle/

We were able to get through dinner and marshmallows before the sky opened up. There wasn't much we could do except hunker down in the tent with books, and games and try to wait out the thunderstorm.

Well,event with the rain tarp, the tent leaked, puddles formed on the floor of the tent and sleeping bags were wet when I got the kids up in the morning with the news that we needed to leave the beach. Tyler's tent ripped apart in a gust of wind and we pitched it into the garbage, we salvaged the sun shade and loaded dirty, wet "stuff" into the  SUV. We headed into the town of Canon Beach in search of warm food and an exit back to Vancouver.

Monday, May 4, 2015

onward goes my doll head quest....

Poking around in antique or junk stores is a perfect way to spend a lazy, Saturday. After all, it is the hunt that gets me up early to stand in line to get into a flea market sale or tromp through a dusty store. Sometimes, I do not have a project in mind...waiting to be inspired by the find. Sometimes, I go in search of something abandoned dolls.

 Dolls have to have a certain "look" about them. They can't be overly bright in their painted faces. They must be more serene looking without bright red lips. They don't have to have hair..cuz I'm gonna rip it off anyway. The clothing absolutely doesn't matter because I'm going to take it off, throw it away and let the dolls canvas body clothe her.

This past year, I've added a couple of dolls to my collection that when I saw them just jumped out at me and me. Gently carrying them home, upon seeing them, my husband shakes his head. Trust me, I say....

 The wiggly eyes got me right away!
So...I cut her into pieces....the little doll in the dress has a dreamy expression...she will be immortalized....

I couldn't resist this odd doll head. I stuck her in an old spring with  Spanish moss.

The doll on the left had a blonde wig and a wedding dress.....she really is stunning and is made of porcelain.

What did I do with the doll head in the picture above????

sometimes hearts have to have wings...

For a few brief months my flock of ducks were all together in one spot living under 1 roof.  Oh, there were adjustments learning to live in "community" so to speak, but for the most part the 6 of us did pretty darned good.  But, change is in the air and I must accept what is coming by the foreshadowing of one of my flock...flying!

My son, Tyler, father of the two Best Grandkids in the world, has moved back to the Northwest. Living in West Texas was not his thing (not mine either). It's hard to try to fit in or like an area where everything about it is foreign to what you know, like and appreciate.  I speak from experience being a NW transplant. The difference is, I didn't have a choice that worked for my husband or me. So, I dug in my heels and figured out ways to be OK with where I live. Some days, I do that better than others.

We shared a fun evening at the Rockhounds Minor League Baseball game in the City Suite.

Tyler never wanted the time here to be permanent.  His heart is in the NW - Washington State where there is NOT a lack of things to see and do. He's a product of the Grunge revolution that swept out of Seattle and through the nation in the 1990's.  His heart is in music, art, the street scene in Portland, OR, beaches and the mountains (Hey...that sounds a lot like me!).
There are other more precious reasons for the move:  Lizzy and Eli.

I will miss Tyler (the kids will be here until school is out).  I will miss his sense of humor, his wit, his laughter and his mind.  He challenges me to think think of the great "What if?" and to figure out ways to do whatever it is I think I should do for fun or to grow intellectually.

I will miss him laughing hysterically over a funny YouTube video and then happily sharing it with everyone (even if we said...NO!).  I will miss our Sunday board game fests where try as I may, I can never beat either him or Eli. AGAUGH!!!!!

We did what we needed to do to help:  we gave them security, stability and a home and they were and are grateful for all that we did and continue to do for them and with them. But, they need to go back to Vancouver. Their young hearts are linked to Vancouver, WA with memories my husband and I can't replace with new ones.  The new memories will have a spot in their hearts and that is all I can hope for.

But, I am not their parent. They have a dad and he is a good man.  He is a man who loves his children with a devotion I admire. The kids are resilient. They are not prima-donna-like. They understand not having a lot of money or material things. They are happy and I am proud of the kids they are. But, I cannot take all of the credit.  Their attitudes and the way they look at life and their pathway through it, is a direct result of their dad and their mom.

And, it is for that reason, they need to move back. They need to be closer to their mom and learn further life lessons with her. They need to know she is a part of their lives and they can count on seeing her.  They need to have the Hope that their mom will be a permanent part of their lives. Mostly, as I write this entry, my heart thinks of their mother, Patti. My heart is full of the hope that is borne on the wings of tender mercies given freely by my Higher Power, God. Mostly, the kids need to be in their moms life as she grows.  Patti needs the Hope that are her kids.